New Feature: Editors and administrators can now make submissions ‘editable’

Organizations can select submissions from their Submissions List and open them up for editing by the submitter.

This feature benefits both the organization and the submitter. It lessens staff workload by allowing submitters to add, replace, or delete files attached to a submission and to edit their submission form field entries.
For example, an organization can ask the submitter to make specific edits to a manuscript. The submitter can replace or add a new manuscript version to his or her existing submission. Or, when a submitter makes a mistake in a submission, the submitter can request that the organization open the submission for editing.

How to Open a Submission for Editing 

Select one or more submissions in your list.
Click the Open Editing button  located at the top of the list. A dialog box will appear.
Select a Response Template to populate the email message sent to the submitter, or type a message.
Choose the From email address for the message and optionally add an Internal Note. Complete the process by clicking the blue MARK AS EDITABLE and Send Response button at the bottom of the form. The editable submission row will be highlighted in blue and submission Status changed to Editable.
The submitter receives a notification email and is directed to their interface for editing the submission (below). The Edit button for each form field is on the right hand side of the screen.    

When the submitter is finished making edits, they will click the Mark as Done and Close to Editing button. The organization will see the submission row no longer highlighted in blue and submission Status changed from Editable to In Progress.

Find Submissions Open for Editing 

Open the Search Filters panel by clicking the Show Search Filters button located at the top of the submission list. Select Editable from the Status dropdown list and click the orange Filter Results button (hidden in the picture below under the dropdown list).

Close a Submission for Editing 

To close a submission for editing prior to the Submitter marking the submission Done and Closed to Editing, open the submission from the submission list to view the submission detail screen. Click on the submission status (Editable) in the upper right corner of the screen and select Close Editing. Choosing any other option (Accept, Decline, Mark Completed, Withdraw) will also close the submission for editing.
Have a question or concern? Contact or call (855) 467-8264 ext 2.

Laurie Pace