Curate Digital Submissions With Submittable’s Gallery

Submittable’s new and improved Gallery feature gives organizations even more ways to curate any type of content, from reviewing images, videos, and GIFs, to inviting audiences to vote on their favorite submissions. This feature populates a clean grid displaying only the information you want to share, designed to be customizable to fit the needs of any organization.

Gallery makes it easy for Submittable users to host public contests and people’s choice awards, collect user-generated content, and more.

There are endless, creative ways you can use Gallery to curate content for audiences. Here are some of our favorite examples:


New Zealand’s Tahuna Beach

To help celebrate the 90th anniversary of a beloved campground, New Zealand’s Tahuna Beach held a Collective Holiday Memories competition using Gallery. People were invited to share memories of staying at the holiday park by submitting photos and memories. The result was a mix of eclectic stories and nostalgic images


Youth Service America

In response to the devastating hurricane and wildfire seasons in 2017, Youth Service America (YSA) asked youth around the country to submit creative and innovative ideas about how to stand strong against natural disasters. YSA selected 12 finalists and used Gallery to host a public vote to award 3 grants of $1,000, 3 grants of $500, 3 grants of $250, and 3 grants of $100 to the finalists based on the number of votes each received.



A sizable chunk of Submittable staff have their MFA in Creative Writing, including our CEO Michael FitzGerald. At some point or another, we’ve all been asked, “What do you do with an MFA, anyway?” So we decided to host a Post-MFA Life video contest using Gallery. We invited anyone with their MFA to offer advice, confessions, or stories.


London Photo Festival

Since launching in 2011, the London Photo Festival has provided hundreds of photographers with the chance to exhibit and sell their art. Co-founders Kit Shah and Emma Matt use Gallery to help facilitate a monthly photography competition.

Is your organization already using Gallery? Take a look at some of these updated features and tell us what you think.

Grid Display Options

When it comes to displaying images or videos, you can choose whether to display submissions from oldest to newest, newest to oldest, or mix things up and show a grid that rearranges itself each time a visitor visits the gallery.

Submission Details
You control what information appears in Gallery, including the name of the submitter, the title of their work, or any other information provided by the submitter. You can opt to make the information public or keep it hidden.

Voting Permissions
If you want to share your Gallery with the public, you can open voting up to anyone with the custom Gallery URL link. Scores can be made public or kept hidden. For added security, you can also choose to require voters to have a valid email address.

Gallery is a powerful marketing tool for engaging with customers and audiences. You can request to have Gallery included with your existing Submittable account by contacting contacting our account management team, or look for the Gallery View tab on the Form Builder in your Submittable account.

Jolene Brink

Jolene Brink is Submittable's Marketplace Development Manager, which means she spends most of her time thinking about ways to connect Submittable's creative community with the more than 10,000 organizations using Submittable to collect submissions. She's also a poet and visual artist. You can see her creative work here: