
Sending Help Fast: Setting Up & Managing Emergency Grants in Times of Crisis

Learn ten key strategies that organizations are using to set up and manage emergency grants quickly and thoughtfully during COVID-19 and other crisis situations.


Grantmaking: 15 People Shaping the Industry in 2020

Get inspired learning about 15 individuals making a big impact, spurring change, and offering leadership in the grantmaking space in 2020.


For Pete’s Sake, Electronic Grant Applications Should Be Standard in 2020

Find out how to streamline your grantmaking process by using electronic grant application forms in 2020.


How to Review a Grant Proposal in 4 Essential Steps

Learn how grantmakers can improve the grant review process with these key principles and specific tactics.


8 Grant Reporting Best Practices

Consider these eight grant reporting best practices for better accountability and impact for your funding.


The Tactical Guide to Reducing Bias in Your Grant Application Review Process

Understand how bias influences the grant review process and learn how to overcome it with specific strategies and tactical decisions.


How To Develop a Fair and Equitable Grant Review Process

Discover best practices and strategies for building and executing a fair and equitable grant review process.


Grant Management: How Grantmakers Build and Maintain Effective Grant Processes

Learn how to make the grant management process easy and efficient for grantees and grantmakers through improved administration and helpful tech tools.


Grantmaking Best Practices: How to Attract & Select the Right Grantees

Take a look at best-in-class grantmaking processes and find practical ways to enhance the impact of your grantmaking.