
The Tactical Guide to Reducing Bias in Your Grant Application Review Process

Understand how bias influences the grant review process and learn how to overcome it with specific strategies and tactical decisions.

Publishing & Journals

Editorial Review: The Complete Guide to Creating a System to Select for Quality

Learn about the editorial review process for publishers, its benefits, proper manuscript review workflow, and how to use technology to streamline your


Online Contest Rules: Examples & Guidelines

Get your online contest rules right (and legal!) with these examples and guidelines from contest experts.


How To Develop a Fair and Equitable Grant Review Process

Discover best practices and strategies for building and executing a fair and equitable grant review process.


Contest Marketing Strategy: A Guide to Boosting Your Brand with Social

Learn the best contest marketing strategies to boost your brand, promote your products & services, and more.

Publishing & Journals

The Future of Publishing: 11 Experts Share Their Predictions

Gain information and insights on the changing future of publishing and better prepare your business for impending shifts in the publishing industry.

Publishing & Journals

Literary Communications: How to Craft Smart Acceptance & Rejection Letters

Are your literary acceptance and rejection letters communicating clearly? Here’s how to craft smart, pointed, and respectful submission communications.


Grant Management: How Grantmakers Build and Maintain Effective Grant Processes

Learn how to make the grant management process easy and efficient for grantees and grantmakers through improved administration and helpful tech tools.


Here’s Why Transparency in Corporate Giving Matters

Understand why transparent corporate giving is important today and learn how to implement transparent corporate social responsibility CSR processes.