
6 Best Practices for Managing a Scholarship Fund

Improve the impact of your scholarship with these tips and ideas for managing a scholarship fund.

Submissions & Reviews

24 Forms of Bias: How To Identify & Avoid Them in Your Organization

Learn to identify biases within decision-making processes and discover tools and strategies to minimize their negative impacts.

News & Updates

COVID-19 Response: Brown Institute Issues $25,000 in Micro-Grants

Brown Institute recently launched five micro-grants through Submittable totaling $25,000 to support local reporting related to COVID-19.


8 No-Code Tools for Higher Ed

No-code tools are helping higher education take lessons to the next level. Learn what they can do for you and get started with these smart tools.


Program Admissions: Tips To Attract The Right Students From the Experts

Learn tips and practices on how to attract the right students to your program admissions with advice from the experts.


What’s the Purpose of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)?

What’s the purpose of corporate social responsibility (CSR)? Learn how the goals of corporate social responsibility have evolved over time.

Submissions & Reviews

Our Guide to Writing Guidelines

Learn how to write submissions guidelines that increase both the quality and quantity of your submissions in our guide to writing guidelines.

News & Updates

Orgs Offering Covid-19 Grants to Artists, Creators, and Organizers

Learn more about groups that have acted in response to COVID-19 with urgency and generosity, launching grant funding and CSR opportunities with Submittable.

Submissions & Reviews

Group Decision Making: The Handbook on Building Consensus

Discover strategies and tools to work through the complexity of group decision making processes.