
The Best Alternative to Fluxx

If you’re looking for an alternative to Fluxx Grantmaker software, here are the top reasons to consider Submittable.


How to Accept Video Submissions for Any Contest or Award

In this comprehensive guide, learn step-by-step how to accept video submissions and run video contests and awards online.


8 Ways to Improve Your CSR Program for Meaningful Impact

Learn how to improve your CSR program with a framework based on the latest corporate social responsibility trends.


5 Lessons for Governments Distributing Relief Funding

How Submittable can help governments learn lessons and prepare to get emergency relief funding right the next time.


Aha Moments at the 2021 Yale Philanthropy Conference

The 2021 Yale Philanthropy Conference was packed with insight for grantmakers—here are some of Submittable’s top takes from this year’s event.


Best Practices in Philanthropy from 8 Experts [Innovative Giving Part 2]

Adopting best practices in philanthropy can help funders better serve grantees—explore top tips from eight grantmaking experts.


Grantmaking Strategy: The Complete Guide

Here’s how to develop a grantmaking strategy that drives meaningful impact in seven steps.


Grantmaking Trends & Insight from 8 Experts [Innovative Giving Part 1]

Revisit key takeaways from 2020 and discover grantmaking trends for 2021 with eight philanthropic thought leaders.

Submissions & Reviews

9 Alternatives to Submittable

Compare alternatives here to see how Submittable stacks up against the competition.